Chembur Sarvankash Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalya
About Chembur Sarvankash Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalya
Chembur Sarvankash Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalya was established by Chembur Education Society in 1970.The college has now completed 45 years and has become vibrant centre for Teacher Education and Lead College of University of Mumbai. The college is Grant –in –Aid College comes under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act1956.The College is permanently affiliated to University of Mumbai & recognized by NCTE.
The college has been accredited by NAAC at “A” Level in 2004 and reaccredited by NAAC at “A” Level, CGP Score-3.20; in 2011.
The college has done remarkable work in the field of Extension and has been awarded ‘Best College Extension Award” three times by Department of Life Long Learning and Extension, University of Mumbai.
The college has “Research Centre” since 1988.So far 29 Research Scholars from this centre are awarded Ph.D. Degree by University of Mumbai.
Ours is the first institution to introduce “Certificate Course in Functional English” and “Diploma Course in Functional English” of University of Mumbai through English Language Laboratory.
The IQAC of the College has successfully guided to volunteer for the Academic Audit (2015-16) by the University of Mumbai and has organized workshops
- In collaboration with HBSCE &Baha’i Academy on the Theme “Blended Learning-Pathway to Success
- Six days workshop in collaboration with Centre for Cultural & Resource Centre, New Delhi for the Tribal Teachers of India on the Theme “Enhancing Understanding of Indigenous Traditions” on February 18-25,2016,
- Workshop on “Arts & Drama in Education” in collaboration with Marathi Natya Shala Parishad on 5, 6, 7 April 2016 and Health Camp in collaboration with Lions Club of Ghatkopar.
Well-planned infrastructure and optimal utilization has helped to overcome perceived space constraints. The institution has big playground of its own. Local community of Chembur has made significant Contribution through Shramdan in making this playground.
The college has Wi-Fi campus and ICT is our major thrust area. The college has computerized Library having collection of 19,578 books and INFLIBNET Centre.
The web telecasting of National level workshop on the Theme “Swami Vivekananda-The Universal Man “was viewed by people all over the world. With the support of A-View, it was possible for the college to telecast some of the lectures of eminent scientist organized by University of Mumbai through their programme “Enlighten everyone on Saturday”.
The college had organized Scientist Students Interaction Programme and six scientists from BARC were invited to have interaction with students. Students have also visited BARC.
All faculty members, including Librarian are talented, energetic, committed and enthusiastic, innovative and research oriented. Most of them are moderators and translators at University examination. Two members are on University SQAD and faculty was even appointed on Local Inquiry Committee by University of Mumbai to inspect the colleges for NOC.
Non –teaching staff is fully devoted for college work and their support is available in each and every activity of the college.
Our students are our strength. One of our students Mr. Aanand Ahire conducts SET/NET classes for local community teachers. Our student Smt. Tejal Thorat stood Third in University Examination in 2011.Another student Smt. Tanya is invited by the Marathi Kala Mandir to participate in a stage show at US. (May 7, Virgina, May8 Maryland, May14 Indiana) Our past student Smt. Vasudha Kamat was a Vice Chancellor of SNDT University, Mumbai.
Parents do play major role in upbringing of our institution. Every year we call parents meeting for discussing course structure and creating awareness about upcoming challenges a student has to face in the field of education.
The college has established a cordial relationship with its stakeholders, parents, alumni, academic peers, schools, colleges of education, University of Mumbai, Department of Education, IDOL, DLLE, Community centers, NGOs.
The institution has potential for excellence and we will prove it in coming years with all our skills and abilities.